Hi all again! I don't think anyone really knows but it was my 22nd birthday on Aug 3rd. I didn't really get to celebrate because I had to take my MCAT exam (medical school admittance exam) on the 5th :( . So, I basically just studied ALL day on my bday! Anyways, the day after my exam a few of my sorority sisters and I had a joint birthday party. All our birthdays are really close to each other so we figured WHY NOT! It was at their new apartment (they're still staying at MSU but since I have graduated I don't really have a place anymore lol) It was a DRAMA FREE night ..THANK GOODNESS haha! It was good to see everyone before I left for Alabama. Here are a few pics from the night. And THANK YOU to all the people who were able to make it.
The birthday girls! We're all in the same family line in the sorority.
Bri (my twin), Me, Chelsea (my pseudo)
All the APhiG girls that were able to make it out! :)
The BF
Brian and I

With Petey (he's like a little brother to me)
With Bobby (left) and P (right)
Boss + Chieftess and our official drink LOL!
i know this is super late, but how was the mcat? good luck with that! i'm kinda on a similar route..but dental instead LOL. i love your make up tutorials..i never know how to put eyeshadow on single lids!
hey! it was alright. such a long exam. lol. good luck with your DATs (whenever you plan on taking them)!! and thanks for watching my tutorials!!!
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