Sunday, July 4, 2010

Starting a few New Routines

Sorry for the lack of updates this week! :( Anyways, here is an update! I just bought a teeth whitening system and a new face wash today! I've never used a teeth whitening kit before cuz I've always been afraid that it would get my teeth ultra sensitive. But, Yuwei has been using it for a while and he told me that he's really been impressed by the results. And a plus is that it's one of the cheaper whitening kits you can get at any drugstore, grocery store, etc.

5 Minute Speed Whitening System:
I've used it for only one day. According to the directions you're supposed to use it twice a day for a week and then once a day to keep up. (At least I think this is what the directions were..hahaha) My teeth feel fine for now..but it also has only been one day that I've used this. LOL

L'Oreal Go 360 Clean Deep Exfoliating Scrub:
I needed a new exfoliating scrub and this seemed intriguing at the drugstore. Once I took off the plastic wrap and felt the little plastic scrubby thing I fell in LOVE..well at least with the scrubber. It was so soft and yet had so many little bristles. Then I used the scrub with the scrubber ...and this stuff smells AMAZING!!! It's a fruity peachy sweet smell. It's a very subtle exfoliating scrub but it works quite well. My face feels pretty fresh and dirt-free after my first time using it. I'll have to continue using it to really know the outcomes though.

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